PLEase Note!!

The Shepherd's Hut will be closed during the month of September, 2024!

The Shepherd's Hut will be closed during the month of September in 2024 for staff sabbaticals. We will open again October 1, 2024. You may still make bookings for days after September during this time.

Request a Booking in the Shepherd's Hut

Please fill out this form and we'll get back to you ASAP!

Bookings are "first come, first served" but we will work with you to find a time to fit your schedule.

Thank you for your booking request!

Your booking request has been sent successfully, We aim to respond within 24 hours with a confirmation (or alternate dates) and instructions on location, arrival information, etc.

Opening Hours for the Shepherd's Hut

  • Monday - Friday

    10:00am – 06:00pm

    Appointments only

  • Saturday - Sunday


A note on booking...

Though the Shepherd's Hut is open most weekdays, the East Mountain UK community reserves the right to block off days or to close the Hut due to events, community retreats, etc.  Saturday we are normally closed but bookings may be possible on a case-by-case basis. Feel free to enquire.  We are firmly closed on Sundays.  We will, however, do our very best to accommodate your request!

It is our joy to offer the Shepherd's Hut free of charge…

…however, we do have to continually buy wood for the burner, coffee, teas and snacks for the cupboard. If you would like to help keep this space going for others to enjoy, we will gladly accept a gift.  Cash and contactless donations are accepted in the Hut.  A QR code is also available to give online directly to the charity.  If you prefer to donate via bank transfer, East Mountain UK's bank details are listed below.

Thank you for your generous consideration!

East Mountain UK 

Barclay's Bank
Account No: 60852902
Sort Code: 20 45 45